Getting Help With My VisionGetting Help With My Vision

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Getting Help With My Vision

One day when I was at work, I realized that I was having a hard time making out the memos and texts that were right in front of me. Instead of ignoring the issue, I decided to meet with an eye doctor. Although I was sure that the problem was nothing or temporary, the doctor explained to me that I suffered from a degenerative eye disease. I was devastated, but I knew that I needed to press on. It has been a rough few years, but I have learned a lot about the journey. Check out this blog for information and motivation about eye care challenges.


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Emergency Eye Care: What to Do in Eye Emergencies

Eye emergencies can happen at any time, and they can be very traumatic and scary. From minor irritations to severe injuries, eye emergencies can cause permanent damage to your vision if not treated promptly. Therefore, it's essential to know what to do during a sudden eye emergency. 

Scratched cornea

A scratched cornea can happen from getting hit in the eye, rubbing your eye too hard, or getting dust or sand blown into your eye. Symptoms include a painful sensation, burning feeling, redness, and tearing. To treat a scratched cornea, rinse your eye with clean water, blink several times, and apply a cold compress. Avoid rubbing your eye or wearing contact lenses until you see an eye doctor.

Chemical burns

Chemical burns can occur if you get an irritant or chemical into your eye. Symptoms include painful burning and stinging sensations, redness, swollen eyelids, and blurry vision. To treat a chemical burn, you must immediately flush your eyes with clean water. You should seek emergency medical care as soon as possible after washing your eyes.

Eye infections

Eye infections can cause symptoms such as itching, redness, swelling, and a discharge from your eye. To avoid spreading the infection, wash your hands often, avoid touching your eyes, and refrain from sharing any personal items. Contact your eye doctor immediately to get a proper diagnosis and treatment.

Foreign objects in the eye

Foreign objects like sand, dust particles, or metal shavings can become lodged in the eye and cause discomfort, redness, and irritation. To remove the foreign object, wash your hands and flush your eyes with clean, warm water. If the object is still in your eye, do not try to remove it yourself. Get medical attention immediately.

Blunt force injuries

Accidents such as getting hit in the eye with a ball or the corner of a table can cause trauma to your eye. Symptoms include swelling, bruising, pain, and decreased or cloudy vision. Seek emergency medical attention immediately if you experience any of these symptoms.

Eye emergencies can be frightening, but prompt treatment and appropriate actions can minimize the risk of damage to your vision. Stay calm, and follow the above steps to safeguard your eyes in case of an emergency. In the event of an eye emergency, seek prompt and professional medical care to protect your vision. Take good care of your eyes by wearing protective eyewear when doing any hazardous activity, maintaining good hygiene, and eating a healthy diet.

Learn more about emergency eye care services near you today.